View Profile CornerStoned

20 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Really good drawings, animation was a little bit skipped on though, they just sort of moved their feet a tad bit and slid around. You might want to change that in the future. Pretty good sounds, and I liked the uniqueness in that it was steriotypical. That sounds like an oxymoron, but it is true, and I liked it! The part with the duck hunt paradoy was the best! I LOVE THAT GAME! I also like the little fort that looks like the ones on the ORIGINAL mario from like 1984 with the fireworks and all, man that brought back memories! I look forward to helping you next flash pass judgement. (It probably wont need my help though!) One thing though, I noticed that you used the same music from a flash made by a friend of mine (the part where he walks into the castle) and the punching sound effect is also from the same person. I am curious is you know SeedyKay and got the sounds from him, or out of coincidence you used the same stuff and I was overly observent enough to notice. Just curious and I'd like to know!

Sir-Eatsalot responds:

Nope! I have no idea who that guy is, sorry. But I have done an animation where I redrew the guys feet where it was fluid, but that animation was pretty pointless. Other than that, thanks!


Well, hello again. Complete coincidence seing one of your flashes under judgement, and let me tell you what I think. I LIKE IT! Excellent point and pretty friggin funny too! Some day, just some day, I know that guy is going to get himself or someone else killed. He actually has protection on the show, guys who follow him with high powered rifles and stuff like that, they just don't show them because it would take away from his supposed "daredevil" image. Nice flash and keep this up, I like it WAY better than most the stuff that comes through the portal and it felt really good to laugh for once. A few fast tips.
1. Nice drawings, keep that the same, maybe add some more movement to the characters like breathing etc...
2. Make it a little louder, I had to crank my speakers, even though there is subtitles in there, I think hearing is better than reading.
3. Pretty good accent, it made me chuckle a bit.
Lastly, can't wait for the next one and you response. Keep it up with THESE kind of flashes, I think that is where your best talent is!

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

An equal coincidence that I even made a flash! I have been working so many hours that I really don't have the time to do it anymore.

Now if I get just get you to like those Bush Bash movies.... ;)

Anyway, you are more likely to see this shorter style movie from me (and maybe even an occassional clock movie) because it takes much less time to make them.

The volume actually came trough fairly well on my end, but I will investigate it.

Good to see you back and I am glad that you liked this one.

Nice trailer.

I have a few suggestions though. Add sound to the real thing, and make the animation more fluid, it was pretty jerky. Also, put in some background music. I can't wait to see the full movie and I know I will be proud to help that one pass judgement too!

NoshuClock responds:

Thank you. sorry it took so long to reply >_<

Good job!

However, I noticed a LOT of parallels from the NES game Ninja Gaiden. The deul at the start with the two people jumping, the view of the main character up close movin while he looks at the mountain, and some other slight details. Just wondering if you ever played the game yourself, it though the similarities were VERY amusing. Good job on animation, only the drawings could be improved. Short of 3D and voice and better music, I cant think of many ways to improve this. Well done!

Pojjo responds:

yea I realized the simularities when i was inches from compleating it and thanx for the advice thats why i posted it

Let's see...

First of all, good idea with the clocks and all! I like clock stuff for some reason, some of their work turns out to be really good, but some it also bad. (Which makes the suspense all the greater!) Second, point well taken about the pumpkin thing. Animation is not the "make or break" of a flash, but it is always a plus in my eyes. I guess I learned something today. Lastly, I wasn't trying to really put down your work, I was trying to offer constructive criticism. (Which is the point of a review) Even if I disagree with you (as if we don't know that already!), there are plenty of people who like your stuff and if it makes it better for them, good. Political differences are a world apart from actual hostlility. I'm sorry if you misunderstood my review.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Nope, I didn't misunderstand your review or think you were putting me down.

I was just giving some feedback. I did want you to consider the concept that lots of animation wasn't the crux of all things good.

I had toyed with the idea of having the News Flash 9 guys do some random, worthless animations for no apparent reason at the end of one of their Newscasts, just because many people have made that observation.

I figured that type of inside humor would just get me blammed out.

I have actually had 3 projects of mine blammed, even though I felt that 2 of them shouldn't have been.

Ah, well. My adoring public.

Thanks again for the clarification, but I was cool with you.

ps. Have you watched Eternal Blamnation yet? I did some fairly decent,but sparse, animation on that one. For me, figuring out how to open and close the portal doors and make it look like I knew what I was doing was difficult. Upon reding this, the rest of the world is probably saying "it's easy you moron" but it perplexed me for a bit.

I thought that movie was fairly funny, but it only got luke warm reviews.

Yet another review...

Ok, first of all, please try and work on your animation, the only movement was the mouths and the sheep on the conveyer belt. (I hope that isn't a spoiler). It looks to me like the main reason you get good scores is because people that agree with you vote 5, no matter what, and there seem to be a WHOLE LOT more Liberals watching this than Conservatives. I don't care if it is a flash with a Liberal, Conservative, or whatever message, what it said politically sould not merit the score. If this was the same thing, but with the Clintons or something, I would still give it the same score, and you can probably guess what that is. If you made a funny or skilled animation, I would vote a higher score, even if it is Liberal. That is why I liked Eternal Blamnation, it was simply funny. I'm not trying to nitpick, I'm just suggesting what needs improvement, that is the point of reviewing, not to argue. On a side note, I appreciate how you said I was fairly respectful in one of your responses, that was an encouraging thing to hear!

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Cornerstoned, what I am going to do about you....pick,pick,pick,pick. OK, here goes...

Flash does not have to be equated to animation. Yes, the capacity is there. Yes, if I wanted to spend 100 plus hours on a movie I could do a lot more animation. (Kudos to those of you out there who are doing 100 hours or more) I know that you know I am 36 years old, have 4 kids and a busy schedule. Most of my movies take 20-60 hours to make. That is a lot of time to take away from the family.

BIG DISAGREEMENT POINT...I should DEFINATELY get a good score if people like the message (and it is well put).

The whole point of Flash or any other entertainment medium is to convey a message of one sort or another. I have definately done that. Remember, "form over function" is neat at first, but fades quickly.

I cite the guy who did the halloween pumpkin that you carved and then there was a candle in the pumpkin upon creation! Almost no animation, 17kb of work, and it was one of the best flash projects on Newgrounds!!!

And finally, your critiques! Read some of my other reviews (esp. by 70TA). He is completely disrepectful, and I rip him every time he attempts to get down on me. I have always said, "if you dislike my flash, peachy". I am not trying to dictate thought. However, if you are rude without cause or, my favorite, tell me that I don't know my subject matter...you can count on a verbal thrashing.

Your reviews have always been fair. Is that another zero up there???? Maybe I should take that back!

Thanks again.

Just of curiosity...

how many more of these are you going to make? I mean, this is BY FAR the longest running series I have ever seen! I'm not even going to bother argueing or debating, for 2 reasons.
1. You get enough of that already so everything I say AND what you say will have already been said, so why really bother.
2. As the author, you get the last word. So, it doesnt matter if I make a bunch of trash talk or the most well presented argument in the history of mankind, whoever gets the last word in is bound to win, no matter HOW they think.
On a final note, I dont know all the details of your court case (I havent sifted through all the reviews yet), but if what you say in the few that I have read is true, I hope you win!
A pattern for 2 politicians, Reagen: Actor, then governor of California, then President. Arnold, actor, then goveror of California... Dear God Man! Also, I have heard conflicting information of what Arnold's political views are from people and from political anylists, and I think 1 more set of information would be interesting. Where exactly does he stand on political issues?

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Ahhhh Cornerstoned! Everytime that Bush continues to lie to us or say retarded things, he will be the subject of my movies.

For example...did you watch the press conference yesterday? Not only could Bush not field the questions being asked, he actually told one reporter that she was asking a "trick" question and that he refused to answer it on those grounds.

I don't think that asking the president "will we be reducing troops stationed in Iraq in the next 12 months?" constitutes a trick question. I think the public would like to know.

Not only is this an extremely deceptive administration, this president is from one of the most corrupt political families in recent history. This man is a liar and a deceiver and must be called to account.

I know that it is easy to beat up the man once he is in office, but I am also certain that if John McCain or Colin Powell had been elected president that I would have zero political flash on Newgrounds.

As far as Arnold, he is a political moderate.

If I had it my way, this country would have 3-6 political parties with fairly different views. When you only have 2 parties everything becomes Black and White...Right and Wrong.

Our 2 party system is just not reflective of how we think in this country.

Anyway, I am working on the next Bush Bash right now.

I will look for your review on that one too ;)

Very good!

All I can really say is to do everything the last guy told you to. Also, I saw hardly any pictures of World War Two in there, in the end it said it was for both. If something must be added, show what the Nazis did to the so called "inferior" people and what the Imperial Japanese did to our boys on the Long March and in China. The music was perfect for this, very solemn and remindful of what those men went through for their country and to fight off tyranny and free an enslaved people. It was also important how you showed the greiving people whos loved ones didnt come back and the suffering the BOTH sides of BOTH wars went through. Be sure to get in a picture of the rows of Crosses and Stars Of David at Normandy Beach. On a final note, I'm glad you put World War one in this, too many people forget about it and always think of WW2 or Vietnam. The Korean war is even less remembered. Very moving and emotional, you more than deserve an A for this project and my vote as a 5!

KYJellyFish responds:

I wasn't paying attention to which review I was replying so your response is actually included with the last response I gave...

The only thing neccesary for the triumph of Evil is for Good men to do nothing.-Edmund Burke I may not agre with a word you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.-Voltaire My country right or wrong = Facism.-Me

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