Good, but
I do agree that we have done some horrible things in the past, like the butchering of those indians and the murder of those Vietnamese people. But, the I do have to say that the atomic bombs being dropped on Hiroshama and Nagasake was the right thing to do. Do you have any idea how many people would have been killed in an invasion of one of Japan's main islands? LOW estimates were about 1 MILLION. Less people died this way, and, we warned them. We told them to surrender or face, "Prompt and utter destruction." We gave them time to surrender after the first one was dropped, and they refused. Plus, look what they did to us a Pearl Harbor, a surprise attack, without even bothing to declare war! They even lied to their own ambassadors to make the sharade to seem more believable, the Japanese ambassadors were told to seriously make a peace treaty, they didn't know that they Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbor. And if the Atomic bombs were a tragedy, look at what they did to the Chinese, Australians, and us! It was just as bad as Hitler's Holocaust! They butchered far more civilians than we killed with the A-bombs. Also, the faster end to the war stopped Russia from putting Japan under Comunist oppression, as they were now starting to grab Japanese territory. Another thing about the bombing of Dresden, do you think that we actually TRIED to hit civilians!? It was how the bombing of the day was done, we didn't have precision guided missles. We tried to hit factories and military bases, not residential areas. And those who worked at the factories were working for an evil and Corrupt Germany under the leadership of the most evil man who ever lived and were making weapons and supplies to support the Third Reich which killed how many MILLIONS of Jews, Gypsies, prisoners, Poles, and other supposedly "Racially inferior" groups!? Jesus, they would have done the same to us, and they tried, the original design for our current stealh bomber was of German make, they planned to use it to drop bombs on New York! And what about how many they killed in the bombing of London. The Third Reich was evil, and any who would help them in any way is at risk, whether their life was threatened by the Reich or not. They should have rebeled instead of being selfish by thinking only of what could happen to their area and family, not the entire damned WORLD! Sorry to go on a with something that looks more like an essay than a review, but war has it's casualties and some are bound to be civilian, no matter how sad and wrong it may seem or be.